The Serious Business of Improv 

Thursday, Oct 13, 10-12 pm PST, 1-3 pm EST, 7-9 pm CET


Practicing the art of improv activates parts of your brain and body that build your capacities of presence, focus, emotional intelligence, and comedy. So in addition to having some lighthearted fun in this workshop, we will also cultivate skills you need in every aspect of life. This is a great opportunity to explore playfulness, spontaneity, connection, and your capacity to create the outcomes you desire.

Session Video ...


David Papa

David Papa is a coach and comedian helping people embody the expanded consciousness they really are, so they can emotionally heal, recover their truth, and own their power to create what they really want. He’s been performing improv on stage for 4 and a half years, recently started doing standup comedy. He trains groups of leaders in emotional intelligence and takes his individual clients on a journey of healing and remembering so they create authentic success rooted in love, abundance, and business results for the highest benefit of all.