Welcome to The GLEN
The Global Learning & Exchange Network
A Continuous Learning Arm of The Grove Consultants International
We are a community of change champions committed to creating a brighter future through better collaboration and leadership. We lead with generosity, lean into inquiry, share ideas and insights, and publish learning tools for the common good.
Our members design and host exchanges to lean into inquiry, test new ideas, and share insights with dynamic colleagues in relational spaces that invite transformation.
We meet Fridays in an informal café gathering on Zoom.
Check the Exchanges page for all programs.
Join the GLEN here to receive our announcements. There is no registration fee
Shaping Our Future Teen Visioning Summit
The GLEN Is co-sponsoring a new collaboration with Alex Johnston and the Johnston education fund to provide a program through which teens can explore their visions of the future. it will take place sometime spring of 2025
- This collaboration grew out of a Grove Designing & Leading Change workshop attended by Alex Johnston. He wanted to find a way to share The Grove's many tools with young people and do something to support their empowerment.
- In a breakout with David and Olivia Sibbet, an idea arose to activate The Grove's scenario planning process that we co-developed with Foundation for the Future many years ago. We've added Jerry Chang to the project and have a promise of initial seed funding already.
- You can download the initial brochure here. In the near future we will create a special program area for persons who want to help us on this project.

GLEN Community Meeting 12-5-24
The GLEN Stewards called a community meeting to have members respond to a proposal for moving forward that they developed over the last months. The stewards are the people above the white line. From left Kathryn Gonzales, Babajide Agboola, Luci McKean, Phil Bakelaar, and Jerry Chang.
The Notes from the Meeting as well the history slides that David Sibbet shared are available in the GLEN Members Resources Pages in your GLEN Library. If you are not a registered member please do so at the link and registration will add the GLEN Members Pages to your library. There is not fee to register. It is simply an agreement to get mailings and stay up to date.

“There is not a shortage of resources,
there is a shortage of consciousness.”
– Thomas Hübl
c/o The Grove Consultants International
275 Bel Marin Keys, Suite B
Novato, CA 94949
Link to The GroveSponsor
The GLEN is an independent self-organizing network. It was begun in 2015 by The Grove Consultants International, a full service organization development firm established in 1977. The GLEN is an important community-centered part of the Grove eco-system. The Grove supports through direct involvement, help with the web site and supporting member-related programs.