The Secrets of Visual Storytelling 

With Joran Oppelt, Founder and CEO of Illustrious Consulting

Date: Wednesday, July 5

Time: 10 - 2 pm PST/ 1-5 pm EST 

Cost: $250
 20% Discount for GLEN members

Learn the secrets of visual storytelling.

When we look back and reflect , or look ahead and share a vision, we tell stories. When we make a point, sell an idea, persuade a skeptic, or invite change, we tell stories. Visual Storytelling is a practical and in-demand skill. Our clients use it every day to set goals, communicate vision or purpose, scale innovation, and inspire change. In this half-day workshop you will learn how to create meaning for your clients, teams, leaders, and other stakeholders. 

This will be a highly interactive, facilitated session for up to 12 people. Participants will practice telling stories in front of the group, give and receive feedback on their stories, and learn visual vocabulary to make their stories more compelling. 

You Will Learn...

  • Why stories matter and how they influence decision making.

  •  The essential ingredients of effective stories. 

  • How to ensure your story lands the way it is intended.

  • How to tell stories your audience will retain and retell.

  • How to reframe limiting beliefs  that are undermining progress.

  • The difference between real story power and narrative, data, sizzle, and lies.


Visual Storytellers...

  • Grow a collection of powerful and compelling stories and know when to share them.

  • Reframe limiting stories to create new motivation and culture.

  • Improve communication and make complexity accessible to decision makers, team members, and other stake holders. 

  • Are more effective as consultants, facilitators, and leaders.
