
GLEN LearningĀ Resources

TheseĀ self-paced learning modules are outgrowths of GLEN Exchanges and Collaborations, and are offered here to supportĀ for those interested in the processes.

Study The GLEN's Work in More Depth

These modules are free to GLEN members. Some are accessible to non-members for a contribution to support ongoing GLEN evolution. This area of the site is currently a key focus of development.

The GLEN/GROVE Action Learning Eco-System

The Grove Learning Eco-systems model has guided the development of The GLEN and the Grove's longer term immersive leadership programs. At the link is a page that walks through the core elements of this system and why it is such a rich container for learning.

Learning Eco-System Model

Links to Other Networks

The GLEN intention all along has to link to other networks and allow ideas and approaches to collaboration to spread widely. Here are ones that GLEN members are active in one way or another.

Network Page

Ā Leading As Sacred Practice eBook

For several years an ensemble composed of Gisela Wendling, Alan Briskin, Holger Scholz andĀ David Sibbet led Leading as Sacred Practice retreats in both Germany and California, and then during the pandemic online. A product of this inquiry is the LASP e-Book which has been widely inspiring. It is available for download here.

Download Page

Learning & Applying The Theory of Process

David Sibbet led seven Exchanges that will walk you through an inquiry about applications of Arthur M. Young's Theory of Process to organizational consulting and process design in general. This Theory articulates the torus pattern that describes archetypal patterns in living systems that lie behind most of The Grove Consultant International's work. Videos in this course are the property of The GLEN and not to be copied without permission.

Course in Draft-2023

Visual Consulting: Designing & Leading Change Prequel

David Sibbet and Gisela Wendling co-authored a book by this title in 2018 and led eight GLEN Exchanges on the subject. These Exchange videos walk through the Seven Challenges of Change model with input from GLEN members who are experienced consultants. They raised questions and helped refine the language and distinctions. Visual Consulting: Designing & Leading Change is now available on Amazon.

In Development

Cohado: Cycles of Regenerative Development

Paulo Gregory, a GLEN Member, has helped launch the Black Butterfly Network and Conservatory, seeding a cohort of Black businesses in Baltimore to embody the principles embodied in the collaborative game— Cohado. Its purpose is to evolve a sustainable ecosystem with the capacity to transform the economics of Baltimore. Read here to learn more and view the video from the GLEN Exchange on this topic.

More Information & Video

The Neuropsychology of Change

For three years The GLEN has been exploring the neuropsychology of design and collaborative practice. Mary Gelinas, Ed.D. has led this effort with collaboration from David Sibbet and Bill Bancroft. These Exchange archives explain the key models and practices that will help you build more competency in being aware of shaping energetic and social fields.

In Development


c/o The Grove Consultants International 
 275 Bel Marin Keys, Suite B
Novato, CA 94949


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